Sunday, December 20, 2009

Beautiful & Bittersweet

Well here we are once again on early Sunday morning after Britt & Meguell's wedding. I went to bed last night at 7 p.m. totally & completely exhausted, physically & mentally, though I think it was emotionally that really got me. What a wonderful & beautiful wedding the kids had you couldn't have asked for anything better for them except for Shane to be there. I know he was watching & seeing what was happening but if only he could have there! Everything was perfect! The chocolate bar was a total hit, I mean people loved it! Someone was even heard saying this reminds me of going to the old fashion candy store, that was exactly what Britt & Meguell was wanting! They will be so happy to know that was what people thought. We have LOTS of pictures. Not only with our cameras but her photographer was everywhere. She was taking pictures of everything so she ought to have some amazing pictures. Everyone really enjoyed the dance floor! Especially Chloe' & Addi. They were dancing to everything. Addi kept crying ( she was tired to) dance floor, dance floor. Or she wanted Britt or Meguell to hold her & dance with her.
When the ceremony started & I saw Ashtyn carefully carrying his little treasure chest with the rings in it. I had a hard time keeping my composure, Shane would have been SO PROUD of him. He did so good and acted like such a little man.
I just wanted to tell everyone that we made it . It was hard. Cassey's speech was written from her & Shane so there were tears there. The florist also made a Memory table of Shane so he was there in picture & in our hearts.
I was so tired when I was driving home, & those who know me well know how I do not drive good when I'm tired or heck I really don't have to be tired but get droopy eyed sometimes when I'm driving. So I didn't think the trip home was ever going to end, anyway as I was driving into my driveway a car was coming out & it was a neighbor of Shanes & she told me she had been praying for me & felt like she should give me this book. Of course I started bawling. But she was so sweet, she asked how old I was & she told me that the time Shane is away from us was nothing compared to the time we will have with Shane in eternity. I just thought she was so sweet for that. So once again I'm going to say that people were so sweet during our loss. I had a lady in the restroom stop & talk to me about greiving over my grandkids & thats so true cause when I look at them my heart breaks cause Shane is not here. So thank you to everyone we know & do not know for being so kind during this hard time. We are going to make it but it is so hard. God keeps sending us his messengers to give of hope & love. You just don't know what that means to us.

Thanks everyone

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